Offe********* r Libertyville Firestone is a bumper to bumper automotive service center in Libertyville, IL.
Our ASE Certified mechanics provide diagnostics and maintenance for all types of vehicles. We offer a 2 Year/24,000 mile nationwide warranty. Plus, loaner cars are available. As a lo********* to offering the best service for the most affordable prices in the industry to people in our community. We're fully licensed, registered, and insured for your protection. References are available, and we accommodate special orders.
Services we offer include:
Auto inspections
Electrical service
Oil and lube service
Wheel alignment
Tire sales & inspection
We'll also service your engine, brakes, tires, radiator, transmission, suspension, fuel system, and muffler, and we provide tune ups and tire rotations. We only carry the most trusted and well-known brands, including Bridgestone, Continental, Firestone, Toyo Tires, and General Tire. No appointment is necessary, and shuttle service is available. We accept most major credit cards, and we offer financing options. Ask about our military discount. Hablamos espaol.
For more information or to request a tow, call Duxler Libertyville Firestone today!
Offe********* r Libertyville Firestone is a bumper to bumper automotive service center in Libertyville, IL.
Our ASE Certified mechanics provide diagnostics and maintenance for all types of vehicles. We offer a 2 Year/24,000 mile nationwide warranty. Plus, loaner cars are available. As a lo********* to offering the best service for the most affordable prices in the industry to people in our community. We're fully licensed, registered, and insured for your protection. References are available, and we accommodate special orders.
Services we offer include:
Auto inspections
Electrical service
Oil and lube service
Wheel alignment
Tire sales & inspection
We'll also service your engine, brakes, tires, radiator, transmission, suspension, fuel system, and muffler, and we provide tune ups and tire rotations. We only carry the most trusted and well-known brands, including Bridgestone, Continental, Firestone, Toyo Tires, and General Tire. No appointment is necessary, and shuttle service is available. We accept most major credit cards, and we offer financing options. Ask about our military discount. Hablamos espaol.
For more information or to request a tow, call Duxler Libertyville Firestone today!